Friday, April 29, 2011

Character profile 1: MVSD


APH name: France
Nicknames:Vikky, Sethy, Auhhgggggggg!, more to be named.
Height: 5'7''
Weight: Not telling
Race: No one is sure yet, the last guessed, however, was "thingy"
Age: Older then your mum!
Blood type:
Gender: N/A
Greek zodiac: Aquarius
Chinese zodiac: Dog

Hey, I'm MVSD. I like to consider myself an artist. Others just consider me overly talkative and annoying. I obsessively post on Facebook, consume yaoi like chocolate (you know, in mass amounts) and pretty much clog my life with all related to anime.

I love art! I am very much into the finer arts, such as drawing, reading, writing, theatre, singing, dancing, playing instruments and 
texting people, persistently, I less than 3 you! (Texting is now a finer art, it enhances your over all control of your motor functions!)

I am loyal to a fault. All of my friends I hold very close to my heart and I cling to them in the likeness of a leech. I have a great appreciation for the understanding of the human condition. I would love to be a shrink, but I don't get good enough grades.

At my best (which is most of the time) I am a pacifist, I prefer not to fight. But if I am riled, I become violent, angry and insufferable. Due to my Germanic ancestry, I am VERY stubborn. If I don't want to do something or don't want to think a certain way, I won't, even if its the best thing for me.

I'm one of those people who think they are funny and every once in awhile, others do too. I am somewhat OCD when it comes to crooked picture frames and having clean hands.

But all of this doesn't really matter, because I think I'm really nothing without my friends and my love of them.


"Imagination is more important than knowledge.
Knowledge is limited.
Imagination encircles the world."
-Albert Einstein

"The hunger for love is much more difficult to remove than the hunger for bread. "
-Mother Teresa

A.G.O.H.I.W.O.P.D.T.A.G.G, what does it stand for? And welcome!

A.G.O.H.I.W.O.P.D.T.A.G.G, what does it stand for?

A Group of Highly Intelligent, Well Organized, Potentially Dangerous, Teenaged Anime Girl Geeks.

And yes, I came up with that, just a few minutes ago.

Welcome to our blog!

This blog is an internet representation of all the nonsense that my group and I come up with during school and outside of it! We are a force to be reckoned with. We know how to spell (mostly), create havoc, post discriminating pictures on Facebook and crowd spaces with our sheer girly numbers.

Be prepared to be blown away and made incapable of intelligent speech.