Monday, August 1, 2011

Its been a long ass time, if I do say so myself

Hey there you lot. Its me, MVSD, the sleeping wonder (not a sleeping beauty though, I sleep with my mouth open and apparently I snore...loudly).

Its 23 minutes after the hour of four, or 4:23. Finally got ahold of the computer, decided to write a post to tell you all, despite me clearing my FB page and being AWOL (not answering the phone, not hanging out with any of you bitter children-kidding, I love you all) I am still very much alive.

But I am not really appreciating the fact that I still maintain thought and the ability to breathe. Just been really depressed, super tired and a mass of other unhappy things. Thats how my life seems to work. *sigh*

Apart from self pitying I have been keeping some what busy by:

*Working on a new art style
*Reading teenage novels (if you could call them that) and manga
*Watching crappy movies (like "The Invention of Lying", seriously, don't watch it. Its drier than a piece of rye bread left out on the counter for 5 weeks-thats British humor for ya)
*Learning how to play "Someone like you" By: Adele, I'll post the link to the youtube vid soonish on here
*Getting better exersize through a bicycle machine mum bought and 5 mile long hikes around lithia park (my thighs and calves hurt)
*Saving up money to go to Sakura con next year (15 dollars thus far, omfg, thats a lot)

Yep, pretty much what my summer has consisted of.

Here's some of my *newer* art:

*Obviously not in full size. My scanner has a tendency to make my drawings a lot bigger than they actually are.

Thats all I really have to post, I hope the intended audience reads this and stuff.

Love you guys, MVSD

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Well I'd say it's about time

Well, I've finally decided to post.  Hey y'all it's Lily.  Yes I did just say y'all-- DON'T JUDGE ME. O.O'

Name- Lily (duh, I just introduced myself)
Nicknames- Lil, Lilz, kylaia, Emma calls me Jo because of my middle name (Josephine)
Height- 5'2'' (shut up!)
Weight- 117?  It flucuates.
Race- White.  German with a little Irish and a miniscule amount of English
Age- Younger than all of you except Mac.  I'm older than her by about a month. -_-
Blood Type-  Why do you need to know this?  In case I suddenly collapse on the street?  It's A something-or-other.
Gender- Female
Zodiac-  Virgo, with Scorpio in my other signs (go research the Greek Zodiac if you want to know why I listed 2)
Chinese Zodiac- Rat
Most important to me in a person- trust

For those of you I haven't talked to about it (I think I've talked to most of you) I have been depressed lately.  I always am affected a little by depression because it is part of my genetics, but it hit me really hard this time.  The lack of stress after I got out of school has really helped, and I don't feel guilty about everything anymore (intense guilt is a symptom of depression).  However, I still really feel it sometimes and the healing process is a slow one.  The great thing is that I feel like I'm good enough to spend time will you guys again!  YAY!  I can't wait to see you all as soon as my relatives leave town on Monday!

I think I'm going try to always sign out with a word of the day.  Today's is 'wonderstruck'.  It's a lovely word, isn't it?


Adjective: (of a person) Experiencing a sudden feeling of awed delight or wonder.

I love you all.

Sunday, June 12, 2011


Just because I'm bored and hyper and happy. I will post a 3rd time! Guess what!! For those of you who don't know already, I am now with ya'll again for next year!!!!!!! And I got a trumpet!!  The most amazing trumpet ever, mind you. A beautiful silver trumpet named Sterling (opposed to the one I was renting who was named Sara) and he is sliver and has an amazing pattern with the logo (Bach Omega TR200) and it plays amazingly. The sound is amazing! Like liquid. I'm getting it cleans on Monday and will have it back by Wednesday to Thursday!   It's used but less used than the one I'm renting! I am soooo happy!!!!! Love all of ya'll,

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

I Really Should Be Doing Homework, But What Ever...

Okay, so this is my first time posting. XD

Name: Melissa
Nicknames: China, Mell, Lemm, Kyoki, Hachumitsu, Itachi, Zazu, Melly, Missy, and many, many more.
Sex: Female. ...Or sometimes a gay male. ^^
Height: (I spelled it correctly! : D ) About 5'6"
Race: Lol. Everything.
Quote: "Is it bad that my multiple personalities have multiple personalities?"
Hobbies: Drawing, animating, reading, reading manga, watching anime, and listening to friends. XD Since I never really get a chance to talk. ^^

I am:
An artist
A friend
A sister
A daughter
A schizophrenic
A cat lover
An otaku,
And the world. XD

Yup. Now I really do have to get back to homework.


Okay since nobody else is going to post here goes me again...
This weekend I stayed up till 3 am watching South Park with my buddy, then I went home and watched some anime, then I read some really funny books that for some reason nobody's herd of, then Mell came over and we saw the OSF production of Julius Caesar, then got ice-cream and walked home in the freezing cold while eating said ice-cream, then Lily came over and we watched amazing randomness on Youtube like asdfmovie's 1-3 and rejected cartoons, then we watched a movie and fell asleep, o Monday when we woke up I introduced them to Portal and we played for like 3 hours or more on my flat screen TV!!!!! Also the rapture guy changed the rapture to my birthday.  Love you all... GOOD NIGHT NEY YORK!!!!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Cosplaying Hannah Anafeloz amoung other glorious and magnificent things

Hai thar. MVSD again. It seems I'm the one with the most entries so far! (checks off another tick mark on inner score board) This year, I am so proud and happy to say, I am going to Kumori-con!!!! OMFGGGGGG. Like, I cannot wait. I already pretty much have my wig, I just need my outfit and about...400 more dollars? owe;

A LOT of money, I have no idea how I could possibly get it all in time (work, perhaps?). As the title of this entry says, I'm cosplaying Hannah Anafeloz. She's the super adorable maid of the Trancy Household from Kuroshitsuji II.

Isn't she pretty? The only good picture I could really fine, as much as I like to look at pictures of girls, google came up with too many, er, interesting pictures of her and I proceded to get a nose bleed. o, ,o;

Okay, to change the subject off of Hannah, my bio-brother said the most humorous thing I've heard from him in a loooooooonnnnngg time. We were talking about a certain teacher at the high school we both go to, Bones-jones and about how she takes drugs in order to deal with the stresses of teenage students and her fellow teachers. So I quote him directly, he says this after mimicing her shooting up her arm with heroin or something like that;

"I am a CACTUS! So I should totally jump out that window 'cause I'm JESUS!"

Fffffffffff-. Brother of mine, you're pretty damn epic for saying something like that. Anywhowhatsit, I talked to one of my good friends last night on the phone and I feel very happy about that, haven't spoken to her in a awhile.

Lately, I've been watching the Matrix trilogy with my bio-brothers (yes, I have two, god or whoever's up there save me) and my lovely bio-father. There are enough awkward parts in the Matrix trilogy that make it very hard to sit in the same room those three and keep a straight face. The third movie, I think was by far the worst, including several short sex scenes and a BDSM orgry thing. owe;;;;;;;;

(never again, NEVER)

Well, I'm finished writing nao so I'll just leave these here:

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Wasting Time Because I Love You All

Alright, I suppose to post on here I should introduce myself.

Name: Heather
Nicknames: Prussia or Gil, Doitsu, Bruder, Moose, Otaku, or "the crazy chick."
Sex: If you buy me dinner first.
Gender (since I can never take the previous question seriously): Female.
Ethnicity: "Whiter than anybody," as dear Feliciano would put it.
Star Sign: Sagittarius
Chinese Zodiac: Boar

I'm as subtle as a brick, quiet as a vuvuzela, sane as a hatter, compliant as a mule, and straight as a snail's shell. I enjoy climbing on the roof, coming up with new things to put in hot chocolate, martial arts, and getting paint everywhere. I do things slower than most people, but it's because I like things done right. I'm usually easygoing and laugh easily. It's hard to get me angry.

You will probably see some of my art up here.


Name: Maddy
Nickname: Madz, Grell, "you"
Sex:Not really sure. . .  *looks down* oh yeah! female.
Age: I don't really know how to deal with that.. . 
Height: taller than most
Race: Rainbow
Quote: "Why the hell do I have to color in the lines, the rest of the paper is damn ugly!"

So I guess you all came  to read about me huh? Gotta say get ready to have your mind blown. I was born and raised in Purgatory, South Dakota (Rapid City) Where almost every person wanted to crucify me then throw me to the sharks. (No kidding someone actually said this to me. . . even though SD is in the midwest, there are no sharks.) But leaving on that happy note, I moved to where I am now and am extremely happy. I am at home right now relishing in the few hours of rest I get before my one acts tonight. Don't really have much to say so I'll make a list of all the things I am

I am:
A writer
A singer
A dancer
An Actor
A lover
A fighter
A daughter
A sister
A best friend
A good friend
A spaz
An Otaku
Insanely sarcastic, what else can I say?
You've came and you saw,
Now I bid you good day.

Not to bad for doing it on the fly.
Thanks for reading,

Sup hommies!

Hi!!!!  This is my info and stuff like that!! +D Yay!!
Name: Mackenna
Nicknames: Kenna, Mack, Mac-dog (the European ninja closet case-unicorn)III, Tansan'iri, Mac-n-cheese, macadamianut, Mackadoodles, Mackadoo, Mackie, Timothy, Phil, George, Alice, and many more!! +D
I will sing posts with what ever nickname and/or personality pops up at the moment.
Birthday: October 21st
Sign: Libra
Sex: Female
Height: Pretty short for my age- I'm maybe 5'4''
Race: Some sort of abnormal (from syfy show 'Santuary')  Strange humanoid thingymagig
Qoutes: "If life gives you lemons make grape juice then sit back and let the world wonder how"
Hobbies: I like to act but I never try out for school plays and stuff, I like to draw, take pictures (Not as good as Eirn), write, dance, talk, swim, ride bikes, play compputer games (WoW and Portal ftw!! and Sims 3), mess around awith technology, and watch TV adn anime and read
And yeah.
Now all of you have to got to youtube and watch this:
And got to ma other stuffs
Google Picasa:  

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Time to wake up and smell the- oh crap. I left the stove on didn't I?


Name: Meghan.
Nicknames: Rose, Birdie, Teg, Teggy, Niji, 'hey you' and many others. 
I will be signing all of my posts with 'rose': )
Age: .3. sweet 16.
  Birthday: January 24 ( HELL YEAH. AQUARIUS. SUCK MY DICK that I do not have because I am a woman. ) 
I'm a girl.
height: Um, tall. almost 5-11
.3. I would tell you 'human', but that would be a lie.
If you're nice to me, I'll be nice to you.

"DUDE, IF SEBASTIAN ATE MY SOUL HE'D BE LIKE *OMNOMNOMNOMNOM SOUL * and then he'd be like:AHHHHHHHH WHAT. WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?! WHAT THE FUCK?!!!! * and spit it out, because I'm so insane, he just wouldn't be able to handle it. "

Claire: "What?"

And that ^ piece of  my life came from this conversation- not that you really give a shit, but you're here reading this, so you might as well waste more of your day, you lazy sack of ass.
After this you should get off your butt, walk around for two seconds and then come back to this blog.
C : -
here it isXD:


So it's like morning and shit right? So Sebby is like 'well fuck I have to wake up my lazy bitch  Young Master B| ' So he walks in to wake up Ciel and ciels all like 'sleeeeppy' and shit right? Yeah.  SO he wakes up Ciel and he's all like, in his super sexy butler voice ' What would you like to eat for breakfast, Young master? ' and Ciel has this face like ' you're a fuckwad for waking me up so early. no sex for you ever again  '  ' and Ciels all ' FEED ME, WOMAN.  I would like some Scones, please. I don't want anything on them.  Just some scones, and butter. ' and Seb was all:

And so he makes his young master the scones.


several weeks later:

So, CIel wanted scones. AGAIN.

Ciel" I would like some scones for lunch, Sebastian. "
Seb just kinda stands there, looking at him.


--- THE END ----


                       Photo one: Me with make up being a fancy bitch because I can. 
                            Photo two: No make up, being happy,
                               Photo three-  AND SUDDENLY, A MUSTACHE.
                             CHOOSE YOUR POKEBALL WISELY, YOUNG SKYWALKER. IT MAY RUN AND LATCH ONTO YOUR FACE IF YOU ARE NOT CAREFUL- me with out make up derping out. Gotta love being yourself : )

interests:  family. friends. anime, manga, smarty-converations,  tea, cosplaying, durping, having fun, eating ( I. LOVE. FOOD. <3 ) sewing, designing, music (COLDPLAY <3 ), poetry and lit, and many other things.
I love japanese culture and would love to learn the language, but my school no longer offers it. : C 
My cousin is currently in Japan teaching, and has invited me to visit, but alas, money is an issue- so, someday, I will go : )
I play guitar, and I have been playing for two years. I used to play the Cello when I was younger, but I gave i tup because it was too hard for me.
I would like to take it up again : )





sorry guys.
but it's just a bad idea.
I dislike  talking about politics.

more dislikes:
Spelling thing the right way.
( I am using spell check)
icky-tasting cough-drops, stuck-up-hoes, pricks, Ichigo Kurosaki ( sorry Bleach fans. But he should have  died like a hundred chapters ago. AND WHERE THE HELL IS GRIMMJOW?! DAMMIT KUBO. BRING HIM BACK. )
People who judge people before they get to know them, and hypocrites (yes, this does mean that  at times, I dislike myself,
because other than my mother,
I am the  hugest tiny hypocrite to ever ninja on the face of this earth. )

I love to write, poetry in particular.
I have a DeviantART ( you will find that most of the rest of our group of AWESOMENINJAS   friends have D.A  Accounts. But if you 'find' them, then I have only a few words for you. here they are:


kay, anyway, here's my account :

enjoy my shit.



Good night world!
See you in the morning!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Welcome to day 6311 of my life (MVSD)

Yes, I used a calculator to figure out how many days I've lived. Plus, factoring in leap days and extra days of this month that I hadn't counted at first. I can't honestly believe that I've lived that long. How many hours is that?

Well, let me check. *types away furiously on calculator*

That is 151464 hours. owe; Thats a long time, well, to me. I could have spent a good amount of those hours doing art (damnit)!

I'm currently listening to my favorite playlist on Youtube. It has all that good stuff in it, Florance + the machine, Beyonce, Christina Perri, Jason Mraz, ect.

Erm, I really should be working on my homework and art projects but I'm being a computer potato (play off of coach potato?). Anywhowahstit. Today was an okay day, I found 8 FREE volumes of the manga, "Chobits" by Clamp (super freaken scoreeeeeeeeee!!!). I worked on mah new art style in art class and goofed around after school with my friends, my buddies. Yes, the group! Ha! Our long suffering photographer took a lot of good pictures, including really cute ones of me and my girlfriend!

Reccently I have been getting more into photographing myself, I'm not sure whether it is out of vanity or plain me-weirdness. >w>;;

Here are my favorites!

You can find me, MVSD, practically all over the place. Here's links to other places I am.


Okay, better go work on the homework and art projects nao, see y'all later.


Friday, April 29, 2011

Character profile 1: MVSD


APH name: France
Nicknames:Vikky, Sethy, Auhhgggggggg!, more to be named.
Height: 5'7''
Weight: Not telling
Race: No one is sure yet, the last guessed, however, was "thingy"
Age: Older then your mum!
Blood type:
Gender: N/A
Greek zodiac: Aquarius
Chinese zodiac: Dog

Hey, I'm MVSD. I like to consider myself an artist. Others just consider me overly talkative and annoying. I obsessively post on Facebook, consume yaoi like chocolate (you know, in mass amounts) and pretty much clog my life with all related to anime.

I love art! I am very much into the finer arts, such as drawing, reading, writing, theatre, singing, dancing, playing instruments and 
texting people, persistently, I less than 3 you! (Texting is now a finer art, it enhances your over all control of your motor functions!)

I am loyal to a fault. All of my friends I hold very close to my heart and I cling to them in the likeness of a leech. I have a great appreciation for the understanding of the human condition. I would love to be a shrink, but I don't get good enough grades.

At my best (which is most of the time) I am a pacifist, I prefer not to fight. But if I am riled, I become violent, angry and insufferable. Due to my Germanic ancestry, I am VERY stubborn. If I don't want to do something or don't want to think a certain way, I won't, even if its the best thing for me.

I'm one of those people who think they are funny and every once in awhile, others do too. I am somewhat OCD when it comes to crooked picture frames and having clean hands.

But all of this doesn't really matter, because I think I'm really nothing without my friends and my love of them.


"Imagination is more important than knowledge.
Knowledge is limited.
Imagination encircles the world."
-Albert Einstein

"The hunger for love is much more difficult to remove than the hunger for bread. "
-Mother Teresa

A.G.O.H.I.W.O.P.D.T.A.G.G, what does it stand for? And welcome!

A.G.O.H.I.W.O.P.D.T.A.G.G, what does it stand for?

A Group of Highly Intelligent, Well Organized, Potentially Dangerous, Teenaged Anime Girl Geeks.

And yes, I came up with that, just a few minutes ago.

Welcome to our blog!

This blog is an internet representation of all the nonsense that my group and I come up with during school and outside of it! We are a force to be reckoned with. We know how to spell (mostly), create havoc, post discriminating pictures on Facebook and crowd spaces with our sheer girly numbers.

Be prepared to be blown away and made incapable of intelligent speech.